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Old 25-04-03, 08:26 AM   #1
Alpha Stoner
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Sorry, but IMHO stuff like that is shit.

It's leechware as it uses resources without giving anything back. Actually it does give IRC one thing, attention. Reminds me of the search 'tool' some moron made. It spiders networks/channels/fservs and displays the information on a searchable webpage. The fucktard didn't even ask before spidering and posting the lists of every fserv in every channel on every network he could find.

Crap like that makes it simple for RIAA peeps to catalog filesharing on IRC. Thanks, but no thanks!

Anyone who wants to get in on the IRC scene can at any time. There are millions of users on thousands of servers all over the world who will help. It's no mystery and is as easy as running mIRC.

Frankly, if you aren't brite enough to understand an IRC client, IRC doesn't need you



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