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Old 12-03-03, 04:42 PM   #3
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Originally posted by colinmacc
Really? What happens then if your client can't connect to any of the supernode addresses stored in the registry?
then it won't connect.

Does it not contact a Kazaa IP address to ask for instructions?
no. it's rather easy to verify: just go and delete the registry key with supernode addresses (i'm sure you can locate it easily), and then launch kazaa. it will just sit there "connecting..." forever.

the rumours about fasttrack's central "access key" and "supernode IP cache" servers are complete myth.

- jaan


in an recent interview kazaa co-creator janus friis states pretty clearly that there is indeed a fasttrack supernode server for ip lookups and that grokster is especially dependent on it, but that "older" kazaa clients make use of it too ~

"He surprisingly admitted to the existence of a supernode server. However he stressed that FastTrack is only partially reliant on the Supernode server.

He told me FastTrack has a 'supernode server to fetch seed IP addresses when not available locally' but the supernode server is only used by 'Older versions of Kazaa Media Desktop'. He added 'Let me also direct your attention to the fact that Grokster is an older customized version of KMD/FT'.

So does this mean that if the supernode server was shut down then there would be severe disruption to users of Grokster and users of older KMD versions? Friis said 'draw your own conclusions


things may indeed have changed when sharman took over but friis makes no mention of it in ciarán tannam's article.

the conclusion one would reasonably draw and that friis actually infers is that at least some of the fasttrack clients, including flagship kmd, are to a greater or lesser extent vulnerable to a court ordered shutdown.

when you realize that fasttrack accounts for 50% (or more) of some isp's internet traffic, any disruption in service would be big news with broad consequences for file sharers and service providers alike.

- js.
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