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Old 21-12-02, 02:21 PM   #1
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Default More On Shareaza: The Developer’s Inteview

From Tom at

A storm is brewing the world of P2P networking. Feeling compelled by the inadequacies of Gnutella, Mike Stokes, the lead programmer from Sharaza broke ranks with the major Gnutella developers and implemented his own protocol, dubbed "Gnutella2".

Our goal with this article is not to take sides on this situation. Instead, we're publishing Shareaza's interview today, and in the following days we'll present the opposing viewpoint. Contribution to the opposition will include interviews with BearShare, LimeWire and XoloX. The Gnutella network has been around for a considerable amount of time. Although potential was always there, it's never fully realized this potential. What in your opinion, are the problems facing Gnutella today?

Shareaza: I think the potential everyone sees in the Gnutella network stems from the hope that it will become the ideal peer to peer system - an open system truly created and supported by the community that uses it, rather than an opportunistic company out to make a few advertising bucks at the expense of its users. A system where people get together to share information however they want to, without the hassles that have become associated with P2P.

Gnutella2 is a fresh start. It's designed from the ground up to meet the requirements of the diverse peer to peer environment we're in today, but also with a view to growth and expansion in the future. Unlike the original Gnutella network, Gnutella2 is designed to deliver on its promises.

- js.
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