Thread: Wow!
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Old 16-12-02, 08:24 PM   #1
JackSpratts's Avatar
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Default Wow!

call me amazed.

was poking around soulseek last night looking for some acid jazz. doing the usual. entering search terms then when something looked interesting doing user browse. found some stuff and started getting a few cd's at 50 kBs. nice. but wait. this guy seemed to have an awful lot of files. hmmm. too many to count even. way too many. so i hotlisted him and slid the page over to see his total.

he had 32,202 files! contained in hundreds of folders of mostly albums. not little jpgs mind you but hi-bit mp3s!

don't know about you but that's a record for me. i've never seen so many on a p2p. not even close. the gig figure is extraordinary, well over a hundred. closer to 170 gigs he's sharing. a credit to the cause this one, a true peer! an ultra peer! i pm’d him for a chat and to hand him the first annual jackspratts uberswapper trophy but he was set to away and after a while his speed dropped into the basement so i disconnected and went to bed in wonder.

but I’ll be back.

so maybe it's the holidays.

well then merry christmas baby.

- js.
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