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Old 10-12-02, 04:48 PM   #1
Madame Comrade
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Wink Re: Affinity groups...

Originally posted by SA_Dave
Like-minded individuals tend to gravitate towards each other and further propogate their ideas and values. Community-based p2p truly has the potential to accomodate both the needs of the artist and the fan; and provide a reliable, user-influenced distribution channel and publicity forum that is entirely immune to any corporate interests!
Precisely, Dave!

Where should an artist be, how should she connect, what should she do to be heard and found at the age of p2p? The answer is so obvious: she should be right there among her fans, on the same p2p networks, same p2p groups, being their friend and one of them; providing the freshest original high-quality rips; streaming out an occasional live performance from a living room or from a stage; inviting fans to the concerts; selling genuine fan items for a fair price; etc.

Some artists are already taking their first experimental steps to that direction: being present on p2p networks, sharing openly their new production etc. And some p2p developers are similarly taking their own first steps to implement a socially more advanced p2p environment where such group interactions and artist-fan bondings can take place naturally and easily. The way to go.

- tg
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