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Old 06-12-02, 12:36 PM   #7
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Doesn't get any clearer

>This message was sent to Support by
>*Please include original message in your reply*
>Original Message Follows:
>Comments: are you forcing users to accept any other program besides
>those that they've clicked on? there are reports you're including
>unrequested copies of kontiki onto people who receive programs from
>this has made some users anxious for a variety of resons, not least of
>which is the the long reported issue of spyware in kontiki. if you'd
>like to respond in an interview fashion you may contact me via email and
>i'll arange an interview and publish your response on the site,
>jack spratts, moderator, peer to peer.

On Fri, 06 Dec 2002 02:51:47 Support wrote:
>Subject: Comments and suggestions
>We understand your concerns related to "spyware," ad-supported software,
>and online privacy; we also understand that a lot of misinformation is
>circulating regarding this subject, so here are a few things to keep in
>mind when dealing with ad-supported programs.
>In some instances, what you may think of as a free download actually
>contains advertisements that are served to your desktop while you're
>running the program. These types of downloads are known by a variety of
>names, among them “ad-supported software," "spyware," and "adware."
>Some people prefer using ad-supported software because it is usually
>free. Others feel that adware is intrusive, or worse, that it
>compromises their privacy because it monitors aspects of their behavior
>on the Web and transmits that information back to advertisers.
>If you'd like to uninstall any related components completely from your
>system, you can download one of a variety of utilities that will scan
>for and allow you to remove the files. We recommend Ad-aware, a free
>utility that you can find here:
> Support


Fri 06 Dec.

Thanks for the reply. While I'm aware that certain companies are
including 3rd party software in downloads available from
and have been for some time, my question pertains to the policies
of itself, and whether your company (not someone elses)
is now forcing 3rd party wares onto user's drives as part of the service. Please clarify. Thanks,


- js.
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