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Old 07-11-02, 11:04 AM   #7
Thanks for being with arse
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: The other side of the world
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i use linux and xp and will probably put 98 back in one day but linux is rapidly becoming my favorite...
thx for the tip on cdparanoia
and thx for the rant wich as always has been quite enlightening...
the person i share a house with (he's the real linux tweeker around here )made a nifty little
shell script for burning cd's i just wonder how i could get him to fit cdparanoia into it...
edit to say he forgot that he has a script already with it...but its just for music cd's...wich leads me to ask is there a linux tool/app like clonecd that rips the subchannel data on data cd's? or can cdparanoia do this with the right switches?

things that initialy seem quite a hassel compared to windows end up being quite simplistic use of command line and text file manipulation.....for example.....scheduled tasks in .cron hourly/daily..ect
compared to that annoying taskbar resident in windows
try start a Konsole session
[user@linux]$ apropos man|more
and scoll thru the list (if you have time)
i find one thing leads to another..and pretty soon you are hooked

i still like to keep my hand in with windows too ,and totally overload my brain with too much info...silly me

all i can say is keep all of your options openfolks....(scuse the pun)

i beat the internet
- the end boss is hard

Last edited by multi : 07-11-02 at 11:59 AM.
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