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Old 27-10-02, 09:03 AM   #5
Earthbound misfit
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Perhaps I misunderstood this quote from Jay Berman...
Each generation has had their own music. For your generation it's filesharing. And I think thats a pretty terrible thing
...but filesharing is a medium, not a kind of music. Previous generations had phonographs, 8-tracks, cassette tapes, and CD's. The only terrible thing about filesharing is that the format was created without the help of the music industry, though they did provide ample motivation. This quote is out of context of course, and I'd like to hear the whole speech, but I get the idea that Berman thinks the ecology of music on the internet is somehow mutated and unpure. Perhaps that's how it looks to a false God looking down on creation from a perch that's too low to see anything.
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