Thread: KaaZaLite 2.0
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Old 17-10-02, 07:46 AM   #5
Queen of Sneak
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Originally posted by WilliamdeWorde
try this

Thanks Williamdeword for your help.....Got the file from the above site that you have provided - kl200-nfi. Before installing, I had scanned my computer in it's entirety, including the above downloaded file. Everything was clean.

Upon installation, McAfee again kicks in says that the file:
IS-UV2KB.TMP is infected with the W32/Insane.dam virus...

I suppose I could disable my McAfee until the program is installed, but after the installation and when I reactivate McAfee, it will only pick up on the virus again.

PS: McAfee states it cannot clean the file, the file must be deleted.

Anyone have any idea?? I can't seem to find any info on the

OK..... 1 hour later....

What does seem to work is disabling McAfee and then installing Kazaa. It installed fine. But if you want to use Kazaa you must keep McAfee disabled, cause if you don't, McAfee finds that Kazaa.exe is infected with W32/Insane.dam and will delete the file, (cleaning is not an option, McAfee can't clean it, only option is to delete the file).

I don't think it's a good idea to be disabling your virus protection in order to upload/download files. I've used McAfee since '97 and have never had a problem, I've never had a virus. Iwould really prefer to keep using McAfee since it has really gone to bat for me.

I've surfed around the net and can't seem to find any information on W32/Insane.dam. I just get other W32/ info.

There must be a way around this..... Thanks


May each sun find you well

Last edited by Jadesun : 17-10-02 at 09:21 AM.
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