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Old 13-10-02, 06:19 PM   #2
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great post from lessig, theknife, thanks for the heads-up. after finishing his book i was pleased to see him in front of the us supreme court arguing for actual limits, even if he feels he's not up to the task. the internet is i feel at least as important as gutenberg - if not more so, and must not be co-opted any longer by commercial special interests.

after reading his post and the following line -

"Please, in the spirit of the best of this sphere, carry these arguments along, and correct the many mistakes I have made. But I need a night when the limits of this lawyer don't keep this lawyer awake." i realized what a wonderful and modest man he is as well.

from peer-to-peer to webcasting and the dmca to television, this is the first of many crucial and important copyright fights to come, but regardless of those outcomes it's a fine thing being surrounded by so many astonishing individuals, ones who care so deeply about the rights of all people to communicate amongst themselves.

- js.
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