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Old 16-09-02, 03:34 PM   #4
Just Looking Around
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Originally posted by JackSpratts
the question they need to address is not why there're long queues on winmx per se but why the winmx queues are so much longer than the other mainstream apps. for instance fasttracks' queues are shorter by factors of 10-50+ compared to winnys' wpnp or opennap, and it's not a "new version" problem by any means. the queues have debilitated winmx for well over a year. something somewhere is wrong with the execution of this application. if and when they get down into the code and work it out it will truly be "the top P2P application for most individuals." but it ain't now, not by a long shot, unless you happen to like riding a little boutique server 24/7.

- js.
I tried to bring this up once before for "my reasoning" regarding the long queues in WinMX. The reasoning IMO is the multiple networks Opennap and WPN. Opennap itself is as we know already a square wheel for efficiency WinMX also has issues with other clients entering the queue "Audiognome"
Sooo....Think of it like this: 2 doors in 1 door out and the out door is too small for some of the customers = BOTTLENECK
FIX IS: Get rid of opennap all together the WPN is more than sufficient and has a large enough user-base to support itself. Then focus on network efficiency of the WPN instead of trying to develop new technology while keeping the square wheel.
I think this will be noticed more in other clients as well it's just that they do not have the # of users to bog the network.
I know some people like the ability to search multiple networks but how hard is it to just open another client like you would if you were to go to Fasttrack/edonkey/Gnutella/DC/Blubster etc.

Then you have the human factor which is a whole different story which I'll leave alone for now.
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