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Old 14-09-02, 11:55 PM   #1
JackSpratts's Avatar
Join Date: May 2001
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Default New P2P Site Bows

earlier this month a brand new consumer oriented news, entertainment and p2p info site opened on the web. it's called P2PNet. it's got a young slant editorially with some clean, fresh noxema type graphics and it's about as far removed looks wise from teen boy-geek as is possible considering the subject. wanna work for 'em? they're looking for help.

from the site:

"Hollywood is trying to turn the Internet into a hard-core online market where revenue rules and which its movie, record making and hardware segments will dominate. Ruthlessly. Among other spy and intrusion technologies, it's heavily promoting:

~'Broadcast Flag' to electronically penetrate your home systems, dictate what you play and/or view, and lift private and personal information on, and about, you and your habits; and,
~'Cop-chips' to be installed in devices that do analog to digital conversions - which is just about everything.

But Hollywood companies, advised by disingenuous fact realignment specialists Hilary 'Reach Out' Rosen (Recording Industry Association of America) and Jack 'Stomp 'em' Valenti (Motion Picture Association of America) are now so far behind the curve that to them, it looks like a straight line."

so true!

reporter/musician jon newton put a lot of effort into his site and it shows. i wish him great success!

- js.
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