Thread: Musical Fits
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Old 31-08-02, 09:06 PM   #28
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Originally posted by JackUzi
When I was 15 I would have tended to listen to an album intensely and non-stop for a week. Mainly cos I didnt have many records and music just makes a deeper impression when yer that age.

The Smiths-"Hatful of hollow"
Nirvana-"Nevermind" (tape is literally worn away)
Sonic youth-"Dirty" (ditto)
Same here....and I have to wonder if that gave me a deeper appreciation for the songs. There are tons of obscure tracks that I know and love to this day, only because I played the LP or the cassette over and over again and found that other tracks grew on me, besides the ones that had orginally inspired to go buy it in the first place. Now, I download a song, give it a quick listen and make an immediate decision whether to keep it or delete it...I often wonder if I am giving the music I d/l enough of a chance to plant the seeds of appreciation in my brain
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