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Old 29-08-02, 07:55 AM   #3
JackSpratts's Avatar
Join Date: May 2001
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welcome to the forum fairp2p. i'm confident you'll find many kindred souls among our members and perhaps as importantly, i'm sure you'll find help and support here at peer-to peer and nu

now that the reality has sunk in of having a handful of mostly foreign controlled media companies dictating the free speech terms to all americans is not in the best interest of the republic, citizens are beginning to gradually wake up and form alliances to fight back. the result is that some "strange bedfellows" are appearing before congress to do battle. one such pair, the electronic freedom foundation and verizon communications have begun prowling the halls of the house and senate working on our behalf, in order that we may continue to enjoy these file sharing networks that we in essence have built with great effort out of our pcs and our bandwidth.

when those in congress realize there is a downside to rubber-stamping everything the riaa and mpaa forces into committee, we will find a more receptive ear for our transmissions. the time has come to hit this issue and to hit it cleanly and hard.

File sharing is good. It's great for the congressmans' constituents and it's a good thing for the media companies. It's a positive force for people and business.

stay on message and repeat often.

- jack spratts.
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