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Old 24-08-02, 08:23 AM   #18
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Originally posted by jaan
however, on a more serious note, associating your music with keywords your potential fans are likely to use sounds to me like a great way to expand your audience. not to mention that p2p systems are in pretty much unique position to do such marketing, which will no doubt take even more effective forms as the technology matures. think of creating worldwide p2p communities based on musical taste, and using their help to spread the word about upcoming bands they are all likely to appreciate....

then again, i'm one of the programmers of altnet, so i'm obviously biased. i just honestly believe that the p2p networks have a much greater role to play in the future than being a "global harddrive", and altnet takes the first babysteps towards that role.

- jaan
well it sure sounds good when you put it that way jaan but i can't help thinking that in a world of limited search returns (say 100 for kazaa) using up some or most of them for what are essentially paid commercials leaves little left over for the actual reason we're using a p2p.

- js.
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