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Old 22-08-02, 05:48 PM   #3
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Moon Seen As Nuclear Waste Repository
As the debate rages over using the Yucca Mountain as a burial ground for thousands of tons of radioactive material, a better site for unwanted nuclear waste holds its mute vigil in the skies above the Nevada desert: the Moon. After 20 years of study, last July President Bush signed a bill making Yucca Mountain the planned site to house 77,000 tons of nuclear refuse. The site is to be open for business by 2010, located in Nevada desert, 90 miles (150 kilometers) from that gambling Mecca, Las Vegas. Since its approval, politicians, scientists, lawyers, environmental activists, and protesting citizens have been locked in heated dispute over the $58 billion project. Gormly contends that the waste issue is the single most important problem limiting nuclear power development. A revolutionary change, he said, is required to break the impasse. "We need to seriously reconsider more advanced concepts, including repository options on the Moon," Gormly said.

Putting nuclear waste on the moon
don't they remember how the moon got blasted out of
the earths orbit in the old sci fi program space 1999 in the 70s

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