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Old 22-08-02, 02:24 AM   #8
Just Draggin' Along
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I wanted to buy pants and the store will only sell it as part of a suit, I'm not allowed to steal the pants just because I'm [ticked] off
Rosen left out the rest of the analogy - If the store won't sell the pants separately, I can go to another store that will sell me the same pants separately and at a discounted price. Clothing stores (and most other businesses) can't (legally) fix prices.

When the labels and RIAA have a stranglehold monopoly on the music industry, we don't have a "buy elsewhere" option do we?

Gee - I just don't understand why she left that part out
Copyright means the copy of the CD/DVD burned with no errors.

I will never spend a another dime on content that I can’t use the way I please. If I can’t copy it to my hard drive and play it using the devices I want, when and where I want, I won’t be buying it. Period. They can all take their DRM, broadcast flags, rootkits, and Compact Discs that aren’t really compact discs and shove them up their bottom-lines.
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