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Old 20-08-02, 12:48 AM   #3
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Originally posted by Mazer
Well, the first half of the announcement sounds really good, Kinda payback for suing the ISP's. But then they say they'll frag any subscriber who try's to use Gnutella: "Clients which connect to our peer-to-peer clients, and then afterwards attempt to illegally access the network will be immediately blacklisted from Information Wave's network."
that's the cryptic part mazer and it’s something that could use a fuller explanation: “ and then afterwards attempt to illegally access the network”. i read it to mean iwt's using dummy uploads to bait and then expose and block record company spies, using the riaas' own questionable actions against them, but it may mean something else, although from the tone of the press release that doesn't seem too likely. still it is the first i’ve heard any isp taking an active role technically against the riaa.

- js.
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