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Old 15-08-02, 07:55 PM   #5
Posts: n/a

You can get good high quality DVD rips from movies out in theaters. These are not technically DVD rips, but they are much higher quality than regular CAMs and other forms of recordings that you find on networks such as FastTrack. These rips surface first on IRC usually the day of the release if not a few days before. About 2 days later, they surface on Newsgroups. For the not so advanced P2P user, wait about a week and they surface on regular P2P networks. They first surface on eDonkey and later on down the road on networks such as gnutella, FastTrack, and OpenNap. eDonkey is actually a very good program for finding newest releases of movies and software and the like. Releases are usually on there just a day or so after IRC and Newsgroups. If you don't like using IRC or Newsgroups, download eDonkey and go to to find links to the newest DVD rips, screeners, and software. I got a very good quality of Star Wars 2 a whole week before it came out in theaters from eDonkey. Enjoy :~)
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