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Old 13-08-02, 09:50 PM   #8
No Nonsense Nonsense
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Miami
Posts: 382
Thumbs down Balkanization No Good

This balkanization process is P2P going backwards.

It may be ok to fly under the RIAA radar for a while, but in the long run, with individual P2P around the corner we'll be entering atomization territory.

The RIAA doesn't need to divide & conquer, and this journey towards lack of critical mass let them alone to present their unilateral view of P2P, and all they need is one law to get passed and this activity becomes ILEGAL.

Almost everyone seem to be forgetting that either the computer or ISPs hold the key to the kingdom and we all know what will happen if this becomes a concrete legal matter.

And in a practical sense you need a 40 hours day just to keep up.

Jumping from forum to forum, opening 4 programs at once to get LESS songs, and slower downloads, than what you used to get just with ONE opened is classic backwarding 101.

Of course you can still skip sleep. Or eating. Or working. Or having a life.

Definetly, I sorely miss a few good programs with solid number of users behind them, but it'll never happen with everyone running in all different directions.

May be is time for these perennial two hundred (and one) to retreat a little bit from hyperspace, and start unifying the tribes again.

What the heck, it worked for China.

Tuesday already and not one song to add to my collection yet . Where do you think all this came from?.

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