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Old 11-08-02, 01:02 PM   #6
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On July, the labels considered to suit individuals, which run P2P software, but according to the Wall Street Journal no definitive decision had been made.
I think, this letter demonstrates that the labels decided now to suit individuals and its only a matter of time until the first P2P-users are charged for copyright violation.
But can P2P under this conditions exist as public network? I'm not sure whether anyone will share her or his files if this could mean jailtime for her / him. And so the content available on P2P networks will probaby decrease and an negative network effekt will takes place.
I think the only possiblility to prevent this, is a powerful movement, which fights for the leglisation of filesharing. But i'm not verry optimistic, because not organisation was able the mobilize people for this goal in the past. And no one disagreed with the conviction of the DoD-members, a similar case.
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