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Old 10-08-02, 01:16 PM   #4
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In my opinion, this is a good thing. Unenforced laws are bad. They're what got us into this whole mess in the first place.

For years people never objected to copyright laws because they only engaged in small-scale (i.e., copying a friend's CD) piracy that was ignored by law enforcement and the record labels. Then Napster came along, we all continued to do what we had done all along, and were all upset when Napster got nailed to contributory infringment. But that feeling passed now that we've moved onto other services. Well, perhaps some of us are still upset, but your average citizen doesn't care about copyright law so long as they can still get their free music. Had CD copying been aggressively persued back in the day, I doubt copyright law would be a strong as it is now, and Napster probably would never have been shut down.

Copyright law needs to be reformed but laws that don't affect many people are far less likely to be changed. Enforcement is needed to draw attention to the law.
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