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Old 10-08-02, 06:19 AM   #3
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 1,662

from site..

"Rock is wrong and addictive and has contributed to my moral failure."
"It does not matter whether I listen to secular or 'Christian rock,' when the songs are over, I feel the same. I feel an emptiness in my soul, a heavy burden. Even 'Christian rock' sometimes makes me feel like going out and getting rowdy or even hurting someone else if they provoke me.. "
really.. I dont think people are that heavily influenced by what they listen to. If listening to rock music is enough to make one flip out, maybe the problem isnt the music.

anyway, suppressing a person's freedom to choose their own music is probably more likely to make them rebellious.

each to their own eh..

p.s - hey naz..
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