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Old 10-08-02, 05:28 AM   #1
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Exclamation Satan infilrates Christian Rock

About four years ago, a local Christian radio station began broadcasting 'rock' of the 'Christian variety.' At first, I accepted only the light stuff. Within months, I found myself listening to heavier and heavier stuff. I thank God that my parents and I came to an agreement on the music I will listen to. I can see how it has affected the lives of some who at one time were my closest friends. I still enjoy easy classical music, but they are into heavy worldly rock and the lifestyle that goes with it. Just a few weeks ago, God convicted me of what I once considered super-soft, contemporary music. I threw the tape away and thank God for the conviction that brought me to do it

From Testimonies of Young People and Christian Rock
I’ve been a little down because today my doctor diagnosed me with John Travolta Syndrome. It’s a condition where your face or head grows laterally, getting wider year by year. It’s not so much of a problem and it’s nothing to be ashamed of, it’s just a condition. In fact mine is good because it means my brain is getting bigger too. But not that Travolta guy, his head is mostly fat. The doctors said I am much smarter than John Travolta and I believe them.
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