Thread: Good Stuff
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Old 09-08-02, 12:15 PM   #8
Pronunciation: 'hau-lE
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Join Date: Feb 2002
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Originally posted by multi inter user face

how will the muso's make a buck..
after it all gets sorted...
will the file trading community
support the artists that have
been left to fend for them selves?
or will a couple of copies of a new relese get bought
and then get traded all over the net...
Let me put it this way: there probably isn't a great chance that many of us will get rich on our own, in terms of sales, but I think an artist should not make that his/her first concern. If one is resourceful enough, one can find a way. I think the lack of homogenization would revitalize the public's interest in music.
As far as people buying music, I think that indepedent or under-exposed artists give you something to hold on to when you purchase their music. In other words, there's still some mystery there, unlike over-exposed, over-hyped product. On a lot of the music that I've downloaded, I often wish I knew more about it or the artist, so the curiosity factor is high.
Am I rambling?
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