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Old 08-08-02, 06:07 PM   #3
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bearshare v4 already includes this 'security' tab (between the 'community' and 'theater' buttons on the toolbar). while not as bad as spyware, it's still an annoyance and clutters the interface. it's like an ad posing as a feature, and no way (that i can see) is offered to remove the button once you've seen it and decided you don't want it there.

blubster's been going this way for a while. their site is already pop-up hell with ads for bonzibuddy, internetboost, gator, a deal with a broadband provider and goodness knows what else. i don't understand why they can't just do as trillian (for example) does - make the thing donationware via a link to paypal.

i'm wondering how long until it becomes necessary for someone to make a 'clean blubster'/'blubster lite'.. heck, i already block the homepage in the client.

edit: this story at the register mentions the blubster deal, as well as a similar deal with morpheus (as well as aol and msn!). looks like mcafee are getting aggressive here.. personally i have no desire to install their crappy programs, and no amount of including it them other software is going to change that.

Last edited by alphabeater : 08-08-02 at 06:42 PM.
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