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Old 07-08-02, 10:05 PM   #15
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J S, thanks for the i-Mesh, that's now installed and running. But would you believe, another weird thing has raised it's ugly head?
Shortly after a session with i-Mesh, I closed it down and went to load KaAzz Lite. Wouldn't load. Went as far as the opening page, and up popped the dreaded "this program has performed an illegal operation, and will colse down". I tried running KaZaa Lite with and without "Diet", but no matter what, no way would the program open. I then uninstalled KaZaa Lite and re-installed it, with the same result. Got me puzzled. Have you encountered this problem? Do you think I should clean out all iterations of Kazaa in the register, and then try reinstalling? BTW, I tried to dl a fresh copy of the program, but the site (via Slyck) is down.
Since I had made no changes in the program, just closed it for a few hours while checking out i-mesh, then re-opening, I wonder if the program had been "got at".

"You are old, father William," the young man said,
"And you hair has become very white;
And yet you incessantly stand on you head -
Do you think, at your age, it is right?"
Lewis Carroll.
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