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Old 05-08-02, 05:11 PM   #11
No Nonsense Nonsense
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Miami
Posts: 382
Lightbulb Questions & questions

I use ADSL and I believe I receive a diff IP every time I log in, and I don't have a registered domain name, so how & who is supposed to block me, unless it's my ISP, after I send my letter requiring a detailed list of files and PROOF in good order from the copyright holder from EACH file in question (Litigation Road is a two way street after all)?

On the other hand these so called cops must have some kind of domain registered, some incorporation going on to operate legally, doesn't that make their filtering more feasible without giving any court related action against let's say 50 million quasi anonymous users the upper hand?

Furthermore, this is for someone with legal background: All this inroad made by the music industry through the spoofing of files, harvesting of info and so on; Can this active participation on the very same networks they want to outlaw be used to undermine their case ?

Can they use these networks without giving validity to their existence?

I'm no power user when it comes to IP matters but let me tell you that the Hosts file trick WORKS.

So I still hope that one of the restless geniuses here will find a way to throw some of the Shareaza bones over the fence.

The hordes are ready, arf..., arf..!

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