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Old 31-07-02, 02:46 AM   #4
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Default Re: Grrrr at RIAA....

Originally posted by Dovobis
The band 'Nonpoint' puts out their new album. Me eager to hear it, I start downloading from my mighty 28.8 connection.( I miss DSL)
I finally get the whole thing after a couple days, not listening to the tracks yet, didn't bother, wanted the whole thing.
I burn the tracks to disc and am off to work. I stick the disc in my cdplayer driving down the road and...
Now I'm not sure if this is the works of the RIAA or the band, but never the less, it was clever. Each song was the correct length takin from cdnows stats. But each song was a 20 second sample played over and over again to meet the time of the original song.
So if the song "your signs" is 4:27 long. They play a :20 second clip of that song for 4:27.
I was so pissed I snapped that fucker in half, cd death flakes flew everywhere.
Damn those fuckers.
not QUITE the right word... it's FAKERS by the way...

Please can we have MORE info, I know you are peed off, but album name, encoded bitrate would be very usefull to others..

Gone searching for the REAL thing ... Snark..
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