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Old 25-07-02, 04:55 PM   #12
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Originally posted by LV15
when i download a program i want it to do what i downloaded it for...i do not want it to decide that as theres 2% free resources on my computer it might as well use them to do something for someone else...and don't give me any shit about "well hey they could just check an option to turn it off"....the audiogalaxy installer had an option where you could stop gator and save now from installing but that never stopped 99% of the worlds computer users from installing it anyway
this is exactly why any community-oriented software using this kind of thing would have to make sure that it was opt-in, not opt-out, and transparent to the user at all times. You can't claim to be community-oriented if you're potentially tricking members of your community into allowing your software to do things with their computer that they may not want it to be doing.
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