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Old 20-07-02, 08:02 PM   #4
Senior Napsterite
Join Date: Apr 2000
Posts: 184

OK...thanks Snarkridden and Alphabeater for your responses! Alphabeater, I was using 'search all available networks.' WinMX actually WAS searching both WPNP and Open Nap, however I didn't notice the WPNP hits because they were SEVERELY limited in number (6 total WPNP hits when searching for 'Britney Spears' under mp3 files-any bitrate, any connection!!) because of my primary connection to the network. Apparently my Zone Alarm firewall SEVERELY limits WPNP access if I have a primary connection. Shutting down ZA or changing to a secondary connection completely cured the problem (>10,000 WPNP hits for 'Britney Spears'). I guess I don't make a very good supernode. Frankly, I'm insulted.

Seriously though, I am curious why ZA blocks primary WPNP access even when I have checked the boxes within ZA to 'allow WinMX 3.22 to access the internet' and to 'allow my computer (via WinMX 3.22) to act as a server.'

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion to change to secondary, Alphabeater. I was just about ready to go back to WinMX 2.5 with the TrippyMX server list (which still works quite well, BTW). But, problem solved! It still starts up slow (I'm sharing only 84 files), but I can live with it.

BTW, I don't really care that much for dear Britney's music, but I figure she's good for a lot of hits when testing a system!!
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