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Old 19-07-02, 06:54 PM   #4
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from the article:
Some of your partners--AOL Time Warner among them--have recently started selling individual downloads of songs.
They're experimenting with that, as are others. And this has become a much more active conversation now about how to sell single tracks or entire albums online.

But I mean they're selling MP3s. They're selling files that aren't tethered at all for 99 cents a download.
Right, that's a permanent download.

So, it seems like some labels are at least warming up to the idea of doing it a la carte.
They're moving towards that.
this is the only bit that even slightly interested me. for a perfect (ie. 320 kbit, cd-quality) copy of one track, i might pay that 99 cents. as for awful subscription services pretending to be p2p, no thanks.

added to that, realone music (musicnet) is still only available in the u.s. - this is same as just about every other recording industry endorsed music subscription service on the net. try signing up to rhapsody or pressplay and see how far you get if you're anywhere in the world except america.

'legal' alternatives? screw 'em.
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