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Old 18-07-02, 05:04 PM   #3
Redefining Reality
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Ask Jeeves partners with Google
Internet search company Ask Jeeves on Thursday said it partnered with the popular search engine Google to provide advertisements on its Web site, replacing a partnership with advertising company Overture Services.
The company said the new partnership will produce more than $100 million in revenue, which will be shared over three years between the two companies. Specific terms of the revenue sharing agreement were not disclosed.
In a statement, Ask Jeeves Chief Executive Skip Battle said its decision to drop Overture and sign on with Google was purely financial, with Google offering better terms.

WorldCom may file bankruptcy next week
WorldCom, the long-distance telephone and data services company buckling under a $3.85 billion accounting scandal and a mountain of "junk rated" debt, may file for bankruptcy protection as early as next week, sources familiar with the situation said Thursday.
A WorldCom representative could not be immediately reached for comment. A bankruptcy filing by WorldCom, which has $104 billion in assets, would eclipse the Chapter 11 filing by collapsed energy trader Enron as the nation's largest insolvency.
The Clinton, Miss.-based company has lined up about $2 billion in funding that would allow it to keep operating under a bankruptcy reorganization, sources familiar with the situation said earlier this week.
Citigroup, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and General Electric's GE Capital financing arm will provide the so-called debtor-in-possession (DIP) funding, which will be backed by the value of WorldCom's high-speed Internet network and other assets, those sources said.

Record labels target Chinese portals

International record labels have demanded that three Chinese-language Web portals halt fledgling music-related services because of alleged copyright infringements of mostly Mandarin and Cantonese pop hits, sources said Thursday.
The move to win back what major labels see as lost revenues in China--where the industry says music piracy levels reach 90 percent--is the most aggressive since a group of record companies sued local Web sites in 1999 for offering free music downloads.
In response, one of the portals,, shut down its music service on Thursday, a company representative said, suggesting that the portal may seek to resume the service.
An executive at rival company said it was considering ceasing its version of the so-called "song dedication" service. The service offered by the three sites allows people to pick songs from the Internet and send them to someone who receives a call on a cell phone that is playing the song.
The London-based International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), which represents major labels, asked the two portals and Hong Kong-based portal to stop playing songs to which its members owned the rights.

L.A. Cops Plead Innocent in Beating of Teenager
The white police officer who was caught on videotape beating a black youth, rekindling a furor in Los Angeles that has simmered since the days of Rodney King, pleaded innocent on Thursday to an assault charge as defense lawyers vowed that he would ultimately be cleared.
His partner, Bijan Darvish, pleaded not guilty to filing a false police report over the July 6 arrest of Jackson, which was caught on tape by a 27-year-old disc jockey from his motel room across the street. Mitchell Crooks sold the footage to local television stations the next morning.
The tape, which shows Morse, 24, slamming Jackson onto a patrol car and then punching him in the face, enraged black leaders in Los Angeles and across the United States, triggering immediate cries of racism and comparisons to the 1991 beating of King that lit the fuse for riots that left 54 people dead.

Elderly Yodeler Causes Police Alert
German police investigating reports of screams coming from an apartment said Wednesday they had found a 76-year-old woman practicing for a yodeling diploma.
Neighbors called police after hearing noises coming from the flat in the western town of Offenbach near Frankfurt.
"The officers weren't able to judge whether the neighbors were unfamiliar with Bavarian folk music or whether the lady still requires a lot of practice," police said in a statement.
Earlier, police in the city of Aachen said they had cautioned a man for screaming in a forest to relieve his stress. The man's yelling had frightened neighbors.

Killer, Rapist to Be Thrown Off Cliff in Sack
An Iranian man, convicted for raping and killing his 16-year-old nephew, will be executed by being thrown off a cliff in a sack, a newspaper reported on Thursday.
If the unnamed man survives the fall down a rocky precipice, he will be hanged, legal experts said. He has 20 days to appeal the court sentence.
The killer was arrested last year in the northwestern city of Mashhad after "seducing" and killing his nephew, who worked as an assistant at the man's carpenter's workshop, the Norouz daily newspaper said.
Under Iran's Islamic law, applied since the 1979 revolution, pederasty, homosexuality and adultery are among a long list of crimes punishable by death.

Jackson Considering Filing Suit Against Sony
Michael Jackson, engaged in a war of words with record label Sony Music, is now considering suing the media giant for breach of contract, accusing it of questionable accounting practices, his lawyer said on Thursday.
Such a move would mark an escalation in an already bitter and public spat between the self-described King of Pop and Sony. Earlier this month, Jackson lashed out at Sony Music chief Tommy Mottola, accusing him of racism and a pattern of exploiting minority artists.
"We're definitely considering a lawsuit," said Marty Singer, a lawyer for Jackson.

Last edited by ssj4_android : 18-07-02 at 05:19 PM.
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