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Old 16-07-02, 11:06 AM   #23
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Originally posted by db_
Anyway, still a mystery what causes it, could do with being sorted though as some preety nasty files show up sometimes, I know this has freaked a few people out already, having to explain 'they're not mine honest'. I guess it's just some Primary bug that will be sorted soon enough.

to make it more confusing, in goldenrods' case for instance the phantom files were listed only when she browsed her own drive and not when i did (no wisecracks tg). spoofers? i don't know, it's a tough call. i might have a hard time recommending winmx to people knowing that scans would artificially show them to be massive distributors of pornography, particularly if it's some of the more socially unacceptable extreme styles known to reside on the net. but keeping people off these systems just might be the point. there may be more to this than we think. if i were winmx i'd be taking this a lot more seriously than they seem to be. on the other hand if the files only appear when you browse your own folders using chat or by placing yourself in your own hotlist, things most people don't normally do, it's not that big a deal, more just a curiosity perhaps.

- js.
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