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Old 14-07-02, 01:25 PM   #10
Just Looking Around
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I have come to learn that no idea is a stupid idea.

I can remember I once had an idea so idiotic and so unimaginable that no one at the company I worked for believed it. "I used to provide working technical knowledge to the engineering department in this company" Or in short I was a uneducated engineer that knew how to make shit work.
In the end they convinced me that the idea was stupid and would never work. So I eventually gave the idea up when in reality I should of patented the idea
Reason I make you suffer through this very painful story of mine is because.........Not more than 2 years after MY ideas conception the idea was granted a patent. The person who was granted the patent needless to say is now VERY rich and the company at which I used to work for pays royalties to this idiot
Let it be known that this other idiot is also just as if not more uneducated as myself. Proving that logic does not always prevail

In my mind this patent is a brilliant idea Now the circumstances are a little different but the idiotic idea may just work And if the patent is granted chalk it up as the worlds biggest no brainer
"What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms." - Thomas Jefferson
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