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Old 12-07-02, 04:31 PM   #3
OpenNap Server Operator
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Brows Re: Please explain wsx files and OpenNap for me

Originally posted by mdnightmarauder
I tried using Snarkridden's OpenNap config file but have had no success in upping the number of servers. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place to ascertain server numbers. Any help would be great. Thanks.
Greetings and welcome to NU..

The file of which you talk was a very early method of getting users of the very new (at the time) WinMx 3.0 to list Opennap servers, prior to the inclusion in later version of MX, of the WSX facility.

The current version of WinMx 3.22 has a fairly easy to understand update feature, just go to the NETWORK page and select OpenNap, there are the WSX options, of find (import) and Export.

It is my experience that many of the WSX list you find will contain a load of out of date infomation, dead servers, wrong port numbers, closed servers, and just plain junk, so you need to get your list and try them for yourself, when you find reliable working servers, that don't kick you out, spam you with "join a room or else get kicked" messages, or are just plain fussy about your files, then that is time to create your own WSX files for others to use.

To create your own personal WSX file, highlight all the good connectable servers in your list, and click Export WSX, this file will be put into your share folder, for others to download.

remember the BEST server list is not always the LARGEST, sometimes the smaller 3-4k lists are hand tuned and more reliable.

Good luck... Snark..
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