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Old 11-07-02, 08:30 AM   #3
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another sticky load of self serving lies from rosen. as usual she does nothing to address the fundamental problem facing the record companies and retailers today, and that's their distribution models. the fact is simple; the consumer is now the distributor and can handle whatever financial arrangements need be made directly with the artists. as such the recording industry (and retail outlets) are or soon will be, obsolete. if she faces this problem and starts dealing with it she’ll finally be doing her employers and customers a real service. instead hilary pushes blindly on, running up the lawyers tab on behalf of greedy and senile clients and interfering with the ENTIRE INTERNET in order to support a failed industry that benefits so few. make no mistake however, her power is very real: napster is gone, ag is gone, webcasting is gone and who knows how many other amazing programs were not even birthed because of hilary rosen. the antiquated model of the record company is certainly headed for its grave, but hilary & co. are determined to take as many others with them as they possibly can and that even includes the operating system that runs the very web itself. she’s been resourceful, aggressive and successful and will continue being so unless WE turn up the heat in washington and brussels.

- js.
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