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Old 10-07-02, 03:36 PM   #8
Who's really in control here? Help me...
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Thanks Ramona This is one of the best articles I have read on this subject.

it's extremely important for performers to speak out on this issue
I completely agree with JS about this. This issue has been brought up before in a past thread, but I believe now a days most artist are "suckered" into believing that they need record labels in order to be successful. With the cheap and reliable means of the internet to promote their songs, and give out "free samples" for listeners to get a taste of what their songs are all about then I don't really see the need for money hungry record labels.

I think what needs to be done is to change the mind set of new and upcoming artists into thinking that record labels aren't needed. If there is a wave of artists who are against record labels then the recording companies shouldn't have such a devastating hold on the industry. If not that artists should at least not sign contracts that gives the record labels full ownership of their work. Any book author or intellectual property owner can tell you that it's very important to hold on to at least some copyrights of what you have created. The more the better. Anytime you give up the rights to your own work, you or your work can easily be exploited.

There definately needs to be a change in the industry, but I believe that half of the effort has to be met with the artists themselves branching out on their own rather then relying on record labels. I don't claim to know the whole process of the music industry, but I believe that record labels will only continue to exploit artists, demand consumers to buy overpriced albums, and continue to with their efforts to ban p2p programs....if the artists don't take a stand on this issue themselves. If the majority of artist themselves are for file sharing then what arguements do the music industry really have....except that they are just greedy and want full control over the music industry.
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