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Old 10-07-02, 11:47 AM   #6
just one of the gang...
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most excellent article!

this quote, to me is the one that struck me most...

It's dreadful to think that consumers are being asked to take responsibility for the industry's problems, which have been around far longer than the Internet.

it pretty well sums it up.

but i tend to think the RIAA is even more devious than we could imagine.
since they are the ones with the most to lose, we can only summarize their actions as ones with the intent on monopolizing anything and everything concerning music.
we can also imagine that these "studies" have presented them with the truth, a long time ago, and they now use it's own "findings" by these "focus groups" to ensure that the true findings become their own map to total and complete monopolization.

the Napster chapter, et al, were just used to disguise their true intentions, scare the others into complying to their every demand; to control them, in every facet of the industry and now including the internet.

what wonderful depth of covering every aspect of this topic.
if i hadn't known any better it could have been written by R_A_S.

"rock on, all"

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