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Old 09-07-02, 09:57 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 209

Yeah micrsoft has gone to far with Palladium.

Some of the technologies they have developed are good, and I like.

Things like Palladium are only counter active to all that.
Hopefully people will refuse to buy Palladium versions of windows.

Thats the only real way i could see it stopping. With no dollars in new pc sales, m$'s friends such as HP will turn back towards m$ and force a re think.

Microsoft wants to change into the services as a subscription model, which from a business point isnt a bad idea. But subscription services should'nt end up costing an end users freedom.

Palladium might be good for a server or a corporate agency, but not a end user. Is it really so hard to spend a little time comming up with strong security that wont limit freedoms? I dunno, but with the resources m$ has it should be easy.

You know who is to blame? All those whiny drones of the RIAA. For years they have bitched about copyrights and computer users being pirates. One or two RIAA execs must be in bed with some Redmondions for them to even have filled an idea like this on paper as something to try out.

Microsoft though if it goes on with Palladium will try to enforce it by bleeding out older windows versions. People will be sitting around using xp to play solitare because theres no other software that will work with it any more. One word m$... Linux.

Ever see the movie Total recall or the TV series Total Recall 2070? Both were crapy, but in the Total Recall world, everything is run by one large consortium. Microsoft i think wants us to all live in that kinda high tech world, run by one big company "Microsoft"
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