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Old 08-07-02, 09:29 AM   #8
- a rascal -
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me just waiting for Open BeOS to finish.

if Microsoft, Intel, the U.S. govt. and the rest of the usual suspects think my computing future is going to be one where they might allow me to lease permission to operate one of their workstations in my home, my response will consist of two words (prolly a combination of "Off" and "F#ck") and the speedy embrace of free (as in speech) hardware and software no matter what the lack of 'features'.

A program with an 'End-User License Agreement' is bad enough... a PC with an End-User License Agreement is the beginning of the end... for them.
Your prompt response is requested.


Mark Weaver,
Director of Enforcement
MediaForce, Inc.
(212) 925-9997
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