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Old 06-07-02, 02:01 AM   #2
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Brows Seen it used it, dumped it

I tried it for a while after enquiring what ALBW meant on some files I came across, indeed they are complete album rips.

There is litle information as to the encoder ALBW uses, and I doubt it would perform as well as the top notch standards do (X)

As for ripping the whole album, there is no point in CD's as most people will share individual tracks anyway, to save download time, improve availability.

If you (like I) also rip LP's then you need more serious tools anyway, to remove rumble & clicks, so again there is little point, except for the less caring (of quality) and those with no time.

Another "Nice Try" but gimmicky tool... Who would pay even $15 for something not really needed? Obviously someome didn't want to pay a cent, already a well known Russian crack site has a timeout removing patch (Shhhh, I never said that!)


(X) Lame 3.92 converter / EAC (Exact Audio Copy) / CDDAE99
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