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Old 05-07-02, 12:46 AM   #4
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Yes, I have been playing around with MoodLogic for a couple of weeks and am impressed with its no frills, minimalistic gui, and its range of options, but so far have not been able to coax it to play its selections in dBpoweramp, which is my much preferred sound program (try it, it's free, and it is really good). I am still having dialog with ML, and hoping to get that little problem solved.
Apart from that, I like the way it sorts files without messing with the way I have them set up in my hard drive - some other similar programs do this, leaving you to re-edit titles etc. to preserve the format you have adopted for printing a catalog, as I do every so often. I can't comment on ML's method of tagging etc., as I haven't used that feature.
I have also been looking at other programs as an alternative, in case ML are unable to solve the linking problem with dBpa. A clear contender is DJJukebox, which you can find at - this also refrains from messing with your harddrive, it plays in any sound prog you happen to use/like (i.e not necesssarily Windows Media Player), and has an interesting gui. It is available in free sample form, and seems to be the No.1 choice if my probs with ML go unsolved

"You are old, father William," the young man said,
"And you hair has become very white;
And yet you incessantly stand on you head -
Do you think, at your age, it is right?"
Lewis Carroll.
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