Thread: ONLY in WinMX
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Old 04-07-02, 08:30 AM   #3
butterfly_kisses's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 138


i have never used 'winmx' so i would like to hear others respones and views on this app.

are your experiences also similiar? or do they differ with this app/proggy

and i can't help it but for TankGirl

would your idea of a 'dream app' include the ability to decide to function as a 'supernode' or hub. with the ability to control who connects to you as in manual mode or to be able to use

some predefined ruleset that you create that would do one of two things:

a)check for 'sharing' and set a criteria based on either

1)connection speed

2)amount of files shared


3)combination of both

4)either or based on your preferences.

then if you wanted to share only with 'certain' people you could go into manual mode and 'control the queues'

or if you were not going to be present while functioning as a supernode or 'hub' you could set it to automatic mode based on the rulesets for it that you created in the above example.

As far as 'validating' the identity of 'trusted peers' or sources.......i have not yet solved this problem and am uncertain if i will.

I also still have problems working out the legality of such a client with RIAA and seems (sorry..i can't comment publicly about this)

but what are your thoughts on this proposed feature?

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