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Old 02-07-02, 09:57 AM   #1
OpenNap Server Operator
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Brows OpenNap servers: getting fussy?

I do not know if this is a sign for future Opennap operation, but it certainly seems to be a growing trend...

Servers fussy about content, I understand, but servers fussy about client types used by users, seems to smack of eliteism to me..

WorldMusic ( port 4567)

Is now banning WinMx from connection, it seems to be a policy to allow fairer use to other client users, or so they say?


This server is set up for those who are looking for WorldMusic.
If disconnected, wait at least 60 minutes to reconnect!
If kicked for not sharing, wait at least 60 minutes to reconnect!
Only MP3's! Movie and software files are blocked.
No porn. No nazi or other racist stuff. No flooding.
Your searches are checked. Pornsearchers are kicked and banned.

Every now and then we block WinMX to give other clients a chance.
This network detects changed client signatures.
They get automagicly banned for 24 hours.

For being a small network on old hardware Lopster & Drumbeat
clients are not welcome anymore for their automated floodsearches.
If we detect Lopster searchpatterns we ban the user.
We hate to do this, but our CPU's can't handle these clients.


At least they are admitting it, not just killing you, even changing your client type report will not work, they say...

I wonder if they really want users at all, perhaps they just want to play server operators?

Now to disguise my WinMx as AudioGnome, that seems to be in vogue at the moment..

On the oher hand, perhaps I'll just delete the whole server, and forget the fussyness...


What ever happened to that vast array of servers?

Most seem to be dead now, those that do connect, seem to chuckup in very short time..


Another useless server, was good, got fussy, now fails to connect


Back in full force with some new addresses to add (See Napigator)

That it .... Rant over

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