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Old 01-07-02, 02:50 PM   #11
No Nonsense Nonsense
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Miami
Posts: 382
Thumbs down The Hidden Cost of Losing File-Sharing

Promising header, eh? but for now just a teaser...


Of course you noticed. You're a Brit, thus English (a.k.a.:Anglisc, Anglish, Old English, Englisc, Ingland & Inglish) is your mother tongue. I had originally written "anything" then I decided to change to "nothing", which with the NOT in front gives the sentence a decidely southern character, floating freely between idio(t)-syncratic & oss(x)y-moronic.
Here we call it "literary license", also used to kill English grammar writting songs, books & getting a hefty bank account in the process.
So get in line, pal: English is my third "second" language, after French & Italian, not counting the bloody bollocks Latin & Esperanto. Lol...


Don't sell yourself short: Of course you're not a complete moron .

So, you're sharing 8 files & behind a firewall; going for broke, eh?. Lol... And you can't show the file names, Ummm...Lol...

Dawn, ssj4_android, Js:

There are several factors to consider besides any possible interaction between up-download.

1) - Real (85-90% target) versus Nominal throughput
2) - Tcp-ip configuration
3) - A bug in some versions of windows that resend packets almost doubling upload times.

After installing ADSL I applied a patch that increased real throughput by almost 400 %.

Cable throughput varies depending on how many people share a node at the same time & the time of day.

The most common problem with ADSL-SDSL is the bottleneck that usually occurs at DSLAM level, where multiplexers mix-unmix telephone & DSL signals & then re-route them.

Another problem usually overlooked is more than one application accessing the internet at the same time, either by design or unbeknownst to the user.

I was "lost" for about two weeks, but once I made the proper corrections that was it (October 2000).
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