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Old 30-06-02, 11:05 PM   #1
No Nonsense Nonsense
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Miami
Posts: 382
Thumbs down Advocating Leeching

Tech TV "experts" usually come across as superficial, ignorant dorks, but this advice top the charts: this is an excerpt of an article fittingly named "File-Sharing Tips and TRICKS".


Download speeds for broadband connections tend to decrease as your upload speed increases. Although this tip goes against the very nature of file sharing, throttle back the maximum speed at which people can upload from you. Try knocking back the speed at which people can download files from you to 1 or 2 Kbps per second.

Some programs also allow you to limit the number of people who can download files from you. Keep this number to a minimum to help maintain your download speed.

Many programs assign sharing privileges to a folder on your system. Often, this folder is the same folder used as the destination for your downloads. Try creating a new, empty folder as your shared folder. That way, you aren't showing any shared files, and people can't download anything from your computer. It's a selfish thing to do, but if you're trying to download as much as possible, you want as much bandwidth as possible. "

I have ADSL and upload speed DOES NOT affect my download speed.

Furthermore, add this kind of advice to all the people already firewalled & we're left with a crippled filesharing in no time.

I can undestand transitory "spells" of selfishness, but followed by at least equal instances of sensible sharing.

Selfish leeching is the best hope for the RIAA to succeed where the courts failed.

Tech TV is fittingly owned by Paul Allen, Bill Gates' partner, & in a perverse way this article squares nicely with the usual way that MS conducts business.

This is the link to the complete article in case anyone wish NOT to learn nothing new about filesharing.,00.html
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