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Old 28-06-02, 09:00 PM   #3
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This is absolute nonsense, and the article you cite is a bunch of bollocks. Bearshare 4.0 allows you the OPTION to block other clients other than bearshare for security purposes, as Bearshare has a revolutionary new feature which allows it to block hostiles such as the RIAA or MPAA server farms. This is exactly what Gnutella needs, security. Unless of course you like your Broadband ISP receiving a cease and desist letter. This is the greatest thing to ever happen to Gnutella, and people are criticizing him for it. Vinnie has stressed on a number of occassions that he simply wants his users secure, and I applaud him for that. And while I appreciate the romantic idealism of some of the GDF developers who criticize Vinnie for supposedly splintering the network, and in an ideal world there would be no need for these security features, but as long as the RIAA and MPAA exist, these features must exist as well, regrettably, if file-sharing is going to continue.
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