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Old 28-06-02, 12:39 PM   #11
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: France
Posts: 6

Sounds like a bunch of squabbling 2-year (err. make that 12) year olds in there.
No doubt there is... like everywhere...

on the content thing ... audiogalaxy had the best depth of music that I'd found on any p2p (I could find most of what I'm into)
I used Audiogalaxy and soulseek for months, I know the choice in AG was great, but soulseek was definitely better to find complete albums of unpopular "electro" artists. Why ? because soulseek is mainly composed of guys who are really interested in electronic music, so as soon as someone got a CD he ripped it and shared it on soulseek, also because dling a complete album is easy with soulseek (easier than on AG), so there was always someone online with the full album.

"Maybe if people were'nt so #### elitist in parts of the electronic music scene there would be more people enjoying the music."
We like electronic music or not, like we like R&B or Hip Hop, I don't see where is the elitism.
We don't claim one kind of music is SUPERIOR, the guys at soulseek like all sort of music and influences, not "only" one.

I agree with you nanook! These people don't seem to realise that all the 'underground' stuff they like was so much more available on AG
Same here, I tested both programs for a long time, so I had an idea on what was (un)available on each, and AG was not always the best solution, if it was, i would have used AG more often.

Maybe they do & that's why they're so pissed off!
hum... we just go where we can find what we search, there is no "jealousy", I like both community, if it wasn't the case i wouldn't have spent so much time helping the AG community through (a website I contribute to)

but as an electronic/dance music resource its great
It is even great for more "specific" music than "electronic/dance"


Now, to explain the fact that soulseek people did not appreciate the coming of AG people, it is mainly because for a long time we were bothered with a server problem, we had to find a way to host more people. As soulseek was first "totally centralized" and the traffic was too much important, until recently hosting so many people wasn't possible. Nir (soulseek's developper) had made soulseek using a semi-decentralized network and apparently all goes well.
So soulseek users were affraid that some Audiogalaxy users who don't share their interest in electronic music would lead soulseek to its end, making soulseek another Kazaa and thus soulseek would have lost all its interest although there is zillions of other P2P that NEED users and can host many people without any trouble. Some other users argue that they are affraid RIAA will decide to shutdown soulseek because of the bring of mainstream artists.
For thoose who still dont understand, It is as if all the boards on internet were closed, except People would go on and post topics totally unrelated with P2P in order to continue what they did elsewhere.
Soulseek represented an "utopic" vision of the file sharing, imagine a single server which can handle a community sharing a COMMON interest (thematic servers), a server where we can find all what we want (even underground music) with a single computer used as server (not a hundred servers as for napster or audiogalaxy). Soulseek could have been a Direct Connect HUB... I still don't know why DC HUB administrators aren't creating more "specific" rules concerning what they share.

PS: Sorry for my english.
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