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Old 25-06-02, 09:18 PM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2001
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The best part about Audiogalaxy, though, was the community. As I've also heard other people mention, you really could find an amazing array of music on the satellite. I was exposed to incredible amounts of wonderful, independent music that I never would have heard of otherwise. It was unparalleled at providing rare and live music. There was almost never something I could not find. I bought a ridiculous number of CDs while I worked there, because I found out about music that I wouldn't have otherwise.

oh well.

it's infuriating that the RIAA isn't at all interested in promoting new music and more indie sounds. there has been an interesting trend in book publishing since the seventies where a publishing company buy the rights to a book; then fails to promote it and refuses to print more copies. it's essentially a form of censorship; and it keeps the publishing company in step with popular tastes while not running afoul of the powers that be that put a stop to the work. with the emergence of chain bookstores the trend has gotten worse; as controversial writers can not even find refuge in a small press; as the large bookstores have put most small presses out of business. you can find an analogy from that to the major labels and the RIAA. p2p is an antidote to this form of subtle, corporate censorship. and p2p is gonna win this.
I hate hate haters
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